The ​Intentional ​Father

Speech Recognition Glyph Icon
Man with Child Illustration

Failing to have a parenting plan is ​planning to fail at parenting.

Better fathers lead to better families, wives, and children.

Angry Father Scolding His Little Daughter at Home

Have you ever felt ​like your parenting ​efforts did not work?

Effort does not equate to great parenting...

You have a pure heart and good intentions...

but your children don’t respond...

There is a better way!

Lime Green Blur Circle Illustration

When you become an Intentional ​Father you’ll experience:

  • a spouse who respects you
  • children who obey
  • a happy home


  • Children who are helping with chores instead of making messes.
  • Daughters who value validation from their father.
  • Sons who strive to be chilvarious.
  • Children who excel at school and in sports.

You have 18 years ​to raise your ​children under​ your roof;

You are the most influential ​person in your child’s life.

Don’t let the ​opportunity to be ​an Intentional ​Father slip by!

Silhouette of a Family by the Sea at Sunset

Others tell you

what to do


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  1. Message us now
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2. Schedule a free consultation

Father's Day Doodle

3. Experience a transformed ​family life


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(913) 938-2930

Products & Services

15 Minute Consultation

Empty NO symbol, prohibition or forbidden sign; crossed out red circle.



Video Call Icon

Introductory Special!

A phone or Zoom call for 15 minutes.

Perfect for those parenting ​emergencies and creating a long-​term plan.

Private Coaching Session


Helping Icon

90 Minute Session customized to ​your needs. In-person or virtual.

The “15 Minute Consultation” is a​ prerequisite.​

Fellowship of Fathers


Friends Outline Icon

An online community of

fathers like you. Learn effective ​parenting strategies and make new ​friends. Monthly sessions for 6 ​months preceded by the Fatherhood ​Assessment.

TIF Coaching Program


Business Training Programs Linear Icon

One on one coaching with

an “Intentional Father Coach”.

2 sessions a month for 6 months.

Includes the Fatherhood Assessment, 17 Laws of The Intentional Father, and the Life Letter.

Father/Child Hog Hunt


Hog Wild Boar Animal Isolated Silhouette Side View

Hog hunt for you and your child. Registration covers lodging, hunting guides, coffee, meals, and sessions.

Perfect for bonding and life-long memories.

Keynote Services


Keynote Presentation

Book one of our speakers

for workshops, breakouts, and ​keynote presentations. Perfect for ​camps, retreats, and conferences. ​$5,500 day rate. Case by case terms ​and conditions.

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